Neighbour Disputes

Neighbour Disputes

Property & Neighbour Dispute Resolution Solicitors in Gosforth Serving Newcastle upon Tyne and the North East

Neighbour Disputes Solicitors in Gosforth Serving Newcastle upon Tyne

Disputes over property usually involve neighbours. They are stressful and clearly by their nature, close to home. There is no escape and you feel trapped in your own home. Disputes range from arguments over the position of a boundary, rights of way, nuisance or even damage. There appears to be no easy answer, with the solution depending on the issue at hand and the temperament of the neighbour involved. Some conflicts can be resolved with a simple knock on the door or note in the letterbox. Other cases are not so straightforward and there is no escape from the problem. It is on your doorstep and will not go away.

If you are confused about what has happened, Call us on 0191 284 5030 or or complete a Free Online Enquiry and we will soon be in touch. We represent clients in Newcastle upon Tyne and throughout the North East.

We are based in Gosforth with parking facilities and we strongly recommend that you contact us as soon as the problem starts to emerge so that we can help contain it or guide you further. We can save you a lot of money and stress.

We understand that the uncertainty can sometimes be overwhelming. You will want a quick, cost effective solution.

We are Specialist dispute Solicitors with over 30 years experience. We will provide a sympathetic and practical approach to resolving the problem. We will listen carefully to your problem and then guide you to take the right decisions so that we can resolve it for good and let you get back to your life.  It is important that we build an early rapport with you so that we can help you set realistic goals, how best to achieve them and close the matter while you’re still ahead.

Before taking any steps we will try to help you identify what is driving your neighbour’s actions in his complaint against you. There are many behavioural types that give clues as to what to expect and how best to approach a resolution of the problem and strengthen you position.

Sometimes a neighbour is driven by an issue that has nothing to do with what they are arguing about, such as the boundary. They think the problem is you and when all else fails, a boundary or other dispute is the best way to get your attention.

It can be tempting to give whatever your neighbour wants. It’s quick, cheap, and may prevent the emotional upset from a dispute. But how do you know that he won’t come back for more in the future?

Is he a ‘Man of Principle’. If so, he will be quite certain of what is right or wrong. He won’t tolerate transgression in others. He knows where his boundary is and he won’t stop until he sees that justice is done. Everything is black-and-white.

The Bully won’t negotiate – he wants his way; nothing less. He won’t expect you to stand up to him and if you do he will warn of the consequences.

Negotiating is by far the best way of settling a dispute, but only works if your opponent is also a Negotiator. If not then we will guide you along a different route.

We will provide accurate information about the strengths and weaknesses of your case, a realistic assessment of the anticipated outcome and the value of it. You will be better equipped to make informed decisions. This assessment will include a clear prediction of the financial value of your case and impact of the legal costs. You will be involved in setting realistic goals and control how the issue is resolved.

We will consider with you the risks and inevitable psychological stress of how best to resolve the dispute before committing to Court proceedings or Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR).

We will consider Mediation with you and if this is the right approach.  Mediation and Arbitration tend to be much quicker and less expensive than litigation. Mediation can explore creative remedies whilst at the same time protecting privacy and allow.  On the other hand, mediation and other ADR is not suited to everyone or their circumstances.

Some disputes can be resolved by use of The Party Wall Act 1996 or The Protection from Harassment Act 1997 and we will explain when they might come to your aid.

We are expert Dispute Solicitors in Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne. We provide our Dispute services throughout the North East and Nationally.

We have a 5 star rating on Google for the quality of our service and 99% of our clients are completely satisfied and would recommend Birch & Co to others. Please read some of our current clients’ Testimonials below of what they think of us. We hope that you will feel the same way once we have looked after you.

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Please call us on 0191 284 5030 or complete a Free Online Enquiry and we will soon be in touch.