Children Custody Access

Children Custody Access

Children Custody Access Disputes Solicitors in Gosforth Serving Newcastle upon Tyne, The North East and Nationally

Children Custody Access Solicitors in Gosforth Serving Newcastle upon Tyne

Children react to separation or divorce in many different ways. But they will all want to know what is happening and how it affects them.

They need to be protected but the bet way of achieving that is by both parents having a collaborative approach. That’s not always the case or even possible. We understand that parents themselves are often as emotionally disorientated as the children. They might not being thinking clearly or they could be facing the dreaded parent who manipulates the children, taking them into their confidence, criticising the other parent, being late for handover, or relocating to another part of the country. Children are often refused “permission” to have a good relationship with the other parent or made to feels guilty about having divided loyalties. Custody Access disputes are the old terms used to describe how the children spend time with their parents. They are now ‘Residence’ and ‘Contact’.

At Birch & Co we will help you focus on the fact the children’s welfare is the paramount consideration. We will identify the problem, which is not always obvious, and then help you solve it. We can help guide you through the changes and put you and your children’s lives back on track. Custody Access disputes can be resolved quickly with that child centred focus

Call us 0191 284 5030 or complete a Free Online Enquiry. We represent clients in Newcastle upon Tyne and throughout the North East.

We are based in Gosforth with parking facilities and we strongly recommend that you contact us as soon as the problem starts to emerge so that we can help contain it or guide you further. We can save you a lot of money and stress.

We are Specialist Solicitors with over 30 years experience. We have seen just about every imaginable dispute. We have done it all before. We understand it is new to you and that you will be worried about the future. We have Specialist Solicitors who are Experts in their field dealing with Custody Access disputes. We will help find the best solution to your difficulty and implement the rebuilding process in the quickest and least expensive way.

We are members of Resolution an organisation of family lawyers and other professionals committed to the constructive resolution of family disputes.

Resolution Logo. An body dedicated to avoiding Custody Access Dispute

The Contact Access disputes we resolve include where the children are to live. This is now known as ‘Residence’ rather than ‘Custody’. It can often be best for the children to reside with one parent but spend time, now known as ‘Contact’, rather than ‘Access’,  with other parent. In some case it can be best for the children to share their time with both parents. This is known as ‘Joint Residence’ or ‘Shared Care’.

We have dealt with many ‘Relocation’ cases whereby one parent, often for genuine reasons, and in some case with ulterior motives, moves to another part of the country. The children then spend little time with the other parent and the relationship becomes fractured over time.

We deal with cases, which involve straightforward issues about whether one parent can take the children on holiday abroad, or at the other end of scale when one parent makes serious allegations against the other. We have acted on both sides of most arguments.

Whatever the problem we will help keep you focused on what the Law expects  –

‘… the child’s welfare shall be the court’s paramount consideration’ (Section 1 The Children Act 1989).

We represent clients in Newcastle upon Tyne and throughout the North East.

We are based in Gosforth with parking facilities and we strongly recommend that you contact us as soon as the problem starts to emerge so that we can help contain it or guide you further.  We can save you a lot of money and stress.

We are aware that communication with your spouse is likely to be strained and in some case, very hostile and divisive. Access to the Courts has become complicated, overly expensive and fraught with delay. It can often take over 12 months to resolve, and in some cases with legal costs rising to tens of thousands of pounds after several Court Hearings. You will be helped in Court by The Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service (CAFCASS). They will listen to both sides of the argument and make recommendations but even they struggle with a parent determined to behave badly.

We often recommend clients consider an alternative way of resolving their differences. Sometimes Mediation does not work. It’s too easy to walk away from a non-binding process and some often enter the process to stage the walk out.

Family Arbitration involves you and your partner or ex-partner appointing a Family Arbitrator to resolve the dispute. The Arbitrator would be an experienced Family Lawyer, and in some cases already appointed as a Deputy Court Judge. The Family Arbitrator is presented with information, documents and legal argument from your Solicitor as a Court would require, and produces an impartial and fair decision after hearing from both sides.

There are many advantages to Arbitration including speed, versatility and considerable savings in costs. At the end of the Arbitration, the parties are bound by the decision which can be converted into a formal Court Order. It can be more effective than Mediation, and other forms of collaborative approach, which are not binding.

We are expert FAMILY Solicitors in Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne. We provide our Dispute services throughout the North East and Nationally.

We have a 5 star rating on Google for the quality of our service and 99% of our clients are completely satisfied and would recommend Birch & Co to others. Please read some of our current clients’ Testimonials below of what they think of us. We hope that you will feel the same way once we have looked after you.

In addition we assist with –

Just a few of our clients’ comments –

Have just used Birch & Co … after using them a few years ago for my divorce, they are great, they are very professional at the same time as being welcoming and friendly putting you completely at ease as soon as you walk through the door, If you’re lucky you may even get cuddles from Murphy the dog. I would thoroughly recommend them to anyone looking for a solicitor in the area. (JA)

Make a Free Enquiry

Please call us on 0191 284 5030 or complete a Free Online Enquiry and we will soon be in touch.