Is it just about Planning Permission?

Is it just about Planning Permission?

The short is answer is – probably no! It is important for all homeowners to know that obtaining planning permission or building regulation consent might not be all that is needed. Often the title deeds for a home contain promises by the homeowner to obtain the permission of the original owner, usually the builder, for …

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Family Arbitration

Access to the Courts has become complicated, overly expensive and fraught with delay. It can often take over 12 months to resolve, and in some cases with legal costs rising to well over £10,000 after several court hearings. We are recommending that the clients and their ex-partners consider an alternative way of resolving their differences. …

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Enforcement of Family Financial Orders

Enforcement of Family Financial Orders – Law Commission’s Report 15/12/2016 On 15th December 2016 the Law Commission published its report into improving the enforcement of financial orders in family proceedings. This includes such matters as payments of maintenance, lump sums, transfer of property or pensions. The headline recommendations give the Court power to put pressure …

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